Guma’ Mami is a nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to providing supports and services to individuals with disabilities on Guam. The organization was formed in the early 1980s by a group of family members of individuals with disabilities, professionals in the disability field, and concerned community members to address the critical community needs of supportive housing and case management services for individuals with disabilities. Since then, Guma’ Mami has been advocating for development and expansion of services for individuals with disabilities.
Guma’ Mami is a membership driven organization. Membership in the organization is open to any community member who subscribes to the mission and philosophy of the organization.
The paid members elect a nine-member Board of Directors which serves as the governance body for the organization.
Mission Statement
Guma’ Mami’s mission is to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of adults with intellectual and other disabilities into their communities through individual and family supports.
Statement of Philosophy
The Board of Directors, management and staff of Guma’ Mami, Inc. believe in the value and dignity of every human being. People with intellectual and other disabilities are like everyone else in many more ways than they are different. These differences should be viewed in the same way that ethnic, cultural, social/economic-status and other individual or group differences are viewed, with respect and dignity
Guma’ Mami believes that people with intellectual and other disabilities have abilities and competencies that can be enhanced, developed and maximized to the greatest extent possible when given the necessary supports. These supports should incorporate the concepts of self-determination, normalization, full-inclusion, integration, and person/family-centered planning.